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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Nov 30, 2022
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

Let's get this out of the way. For those who don't really know what hemp is, you may as well say you've got a big bag of pulverized rope. It's fiber and protein, nothing more, nothing less. For those thinking they are going to really dig the flavor on this, nope! It's rope! Rope pushes crap through your body, leaves some protein behind, and that's what it does for you. It isn't blueberries, and it isn't sweet and tasty. Negative reviews because something that isn't supposed to taste great doesn't taste great is kind of like leaving negative reviews on matches because they catch fire. So much for my rant on people who complain that a product is what the product is supposed to be. With that said, this product is everything hemp should be, and there's a lot of it. It's ground to a very fine consistency so it stays suspended in pretty thin liquids. While hemp isn't supposed to taste good, it could taste worse, and this tastes pretty decent for hemp. It's a bit grassy, but that's what hemp is. Mix it with your avocado, a banana, some spinach, and some stevia, and you won't taste the hemp. You will still feel it in your mouth though, so don't get too excited. Learn not to try to chew your smoothies and this won't bother you so much though. It's fine enough that it doesn't leave much for residue in your mouth or between your teeth like some other brands do. Add a little more liquid than you would otherwise, because this stuff does dry out your smoothie a bit. You will also stay less hungry for longer periods of time. I also add some chia seed, hemp seed, and some almonds for a full day of protein and something that stays with you just fine till your next meal. Hemp will clean you out, and the size of your poops will drastically increase as it cleans out all the stuff that lags behind in your colon. You'll feel better and your body will process other foods and nutrients much better, which is particularly good if you are also detoxing at the same time. Your detox will dump it out of your cells into your colon and hemp fiber moves it right out to where it belongs.... flushed!
